Issue #53: Turn Your Leads Into $$$

Statistics say that contractors are TERRIBLE at lead followup. If that’s you, don’t worry; I got you covered. Go check out #6 & #7 and then get started turning it around.
Also for my plumber brethren, I’ve changed the format of the “Plumber Near Me” video. We’re only doing the Top 20 and highlighting the plumber more likely to get hit by lightning 🌩️ than get a click. Go check it out in #2
As always, if you have any topics that you want discussed or questions answered, just reply to this email and I’ll try to include it in an upcoming issue.
But for now…let’s get into this week’s newsletter:
  1. Google’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) has descended into the contractor space and the results could get ugly. See What Google AI Is Up To
  2. NEW & REVISED: Hey Chicago Plumbers! See if you can find yourself in the Top 20 Google Search results for “plumber near me”. Click To See
  3. Want to see how NOT TO DO Google Ads? Then check out this Electrician ad for “Electrical Contractor” from LA that SUCKS! Here’s The Ad
  4. Google LSA Ads are coming to Google Maps. What does this mean to you? And might this be the spark that LSA Ads need? Find Out
  5. ⚠️RED ALERT⚠️ Chat is being ELIMINATED next week on your Google Business Profile. Are you ready? Click To Get Ready
  6. Leads Into $$$, Pt. 1: Small businesses, and contractors in particular, are TERRIBLE at following up on leads. If you dare…Click To See How Bad
  7. Leads Into $$$, Pt. 2: Now that you know you have a lead follow up problem, are you ready to turn it around? Click To See How
Talk to you next week,