Ring-Ring Newsletter

Ring-Ring is our True Blue Collar weekly newsletter designed to give Plumbing, HVAC, Electrical Business Owners some very practical tips on what they can be doing to make their phone ring more with qualified customers.
When you subscribe, you will receive an email every Wednesday with 7 short, one minute videos about topics such as:
  • The Top 20 “Plumber Near Me” Google Search results in a U.S. city and why your business probably won’t get a call when we cover your city.
  • How NOT to do Google Ads. We look at REAL Google Ad for Plumbing, HVAC, and/or Electrical and show you why that ad SUCKS.
  • The latest news that impacts your website, Google Business Profile, social media, Google Ads/LSA, and more.
  • Business topics such as lifetime customer value, best phone practices, lead management, working with marketing agencies, and more.
These insights are curated, filmed, and sent to you directly by Tim Soper, Client Advisor at True Blue Collar.
Tim is the former General Manager of a plumbing company with an annual revenue of +$5M so he knows the challenges of running the day-to-day business operations of a successful company. And he knows what works, what doesn’t work, and what is complete BS when it comes to getting your phone to ring.
Check out our past issues below, but make sure you stay current by subscribing to Ring-Ring.

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Ring-Ring Newsletter

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