A little off topic, but I remember growing up in the 70’s wondering why my grandparents and their friends made such a big deal about December 7th. To me as a kid, Pearl Harbor was just something from my history books in grade school.
Well if history doesn’t repeat then it certainly rhymes, and now I’m part of that generation (which you might be as well) who fears that the memory of 9/11 is fading only into the pages of history.
Let’s not let that happen. Never forget.

Thanks for allowing me to share this.
Here is this week’s content:
- Got some bad news for ya: there is no Magic Bullet when it comes to marketing. But there is a solution to get some magic happening. Watch To See
- Do these guys work for your company? Then they shouldn’t be on your website because they don’t work for your customers. See Who They Are
- How to mess your business up with your phone: A Play in 3 Acts. See How
- Leads Into $$$, Pt. 1: Small businesses, and contractors in particular, are TERRIBLE at following up on leads. If you dare…Click To See How Bad
- Leads Into $$$, Pt. 2: Now that you know you have a lead follow up problem, are you ready to turn it around? Click To See How
- Do you know the value of your customers? And not your average job cost, but the lifetime value of a customer. See Why This Matters
- It’s crazy how invisible your website is! And here are 4 crazy facts to drive that point home. Click To See
Talk to you next week,