Are you answering your phone? Be brutally honest. Are you answering your phone like a professional? If your iffy on this, then go check out #4 and #5.

Plus we’ve tips to convert more website visitors and how you can use Reddit to get more customers.
As always, if you have any topics that you want discussed or questions answered, just reply to this email and I’ll try to include it in an upcoming issue.
But for now…let’s get into this week’s newsletter:
- Are you converting traffic that is coming to your website? Well here are 5 tips that will convert visitors to customers. See The Tips
- Hey Oklahoma City Plumbers! See if you can find yourself in the Top 20 Google Search results for “plumber near me”. Click To See
- Want to see how NOT TO DO Google Ads? Then check out this HVAC ad for “AC Repair” from Denver that SUCKS! Here’s The Ad
- Some of you need to treat this like an actual profession and be professional and answer your damn phone! See Why This Matters
Can’t answer the phone? Here’s a suggestion that should get you up to speed and maybe ahead of the competition. See What It Is - Who knew that Reddit was a search engine? Turns out most of you did. But do you know how to use that to your advantage? Click To Find Out
- I know it’s pay per click not per impression, but the reality is that you are paying for impressions as well. See Why
Talk to you next week,