Decided to put together an issue dedicated to…
Google Ads that SUCK!

Just so you know, I’m never trying to throw shade at contractors.
(Except for the guy in #7; he deserves a forest full of shade)
(Except for the guy in #7; he deserves a forest full of shade)
I know you guys and gals have your hands full running your business.
No, my goal is to be over the top in these “Google Ads SUCK” videos so you think about taking a look at your own ads and making sure that your ad team isn’t dropping the ball for you.
Google Ads is getting more & more expensive so you can’t be adding to your cost with ads that fail right out of the gate.
We’ll be back next week with our regular lineup, but for now…let’s get into some Google Ads that suck:
- This HVAC ad for “AC Repair” from Phoenix has a confusing headline and when you confuse your customer then your ad sucks. See The Ad
- This Plumber’s ad for “Water Leak Detection” from Cincinnati sucks because it is a trifecta of failure: bad headline, bad ad copy, and bad landing page. See The Ad
- If someone searches for “Heat Pump Repair” and all they get from this Coachella Valley HVAC provider is AC repair then this ad is going to suck. See The Ad
- Check out this Electrician ad for “Electrical Contractor” from LA that pigeonholes their location in the headline and therefore sucks. See The Ad
- Unfortunately, this Plumber in Boise running an ad for “Sewer Repair” went on the cheap with designing their ad and got what they paid for: an ad that sucks. See The Ad
- This HVAC ad for “Air Conditioning Repair” from Oklahoma City isn’t broken but it is leaking potential revenue and because of that…it sucks. See The Ad
- Here’s my favorite “Google Ad that SUCKS”: this Plumbing ad for “drain cleaning” from Boston is the type of ad that gives you all a bad reputation. See The Ad
Talk to you next week,