Issue #57: No Magic Bullets In Marketing, But…

Uh oh! Looks like Apple Maps might close your business. Well not really, but you should definitely check out #7 to make sure you are doing this right.
And do you have a new CSR in the office? Well check out #5 for 4 things that they ABSOLUTELY CANNOT f’up.
As always, if you have any topics that you want discussed or questions answered, just reply to this email and I’ll try to include it in an upcoming issue.
But for now…let’s get into this week’s newsletter:
  1. Got some bad news for ya: there is no Magic Bullet when it comes to marketing. But there is a solution to get some magic happening. Watch To See
  2. NEW & REVISED: Hey Houston Plumbers! See if you can find yourself in the Top 20 Google Search results for “plumber near me”. Click To See
  3. Want to see how NOT TO DO Google Ads? Then check out this HVAC ad for “HVAC repair” from Oklahoma City that SUCKS! Here’s The Ad
  4. Your Google Business Profile will reward you with a higher ranking for doing this with reviews. See What It Is
  5. Leave it to a doctor’s office newsletter to drop a truth bomb💣. But they did. Check out the 4 things your new office CSR can’t f’up. See What They Are
  6. Here’s a homework assignment for ya. It’s real basic. It will improve your SEO. And it will also buy you some goodwill in the community. Check It Out
  7. Uh oh! Looks like Apple Maps may be closing your business! (Not really) But they will mark you permanently closed if you don’t do this. See What It Is
Talk to you next week,